Visual studio for mac web development
Visual studio for mac web development


Download and install Resilio Sync into your VM.This will enable you to rapidly edit → build, using the VM for build only, but being able to do everything else (e.g. Secondly, let’s use Resilio Sync to keep your source files synced between your Mac host and your Windows VM. Open IIS and check that everything is working and your solution is being served locally.Then go into your project properties and set it up in ‘Local IIS’, in the root (delete the text after ‘localhost/’). Open your solution in Visual Studio, build.Using Visual Studio, check out your solution into a project folder on your VM.(At the time of writing, the Express edition can be downloaded for free.) Again, keep it minimal. (At the time of writing, a free community edition of Visual Studio can be downloaded.) Keep the installation as minimal install possible, i.e.

visual studio for mac web development

I found Classic Shell from IvoSoft did this quite nicely.) (You might also want to apply a faster-rendering theme to Windows. Configure display to the lowest resolution (Display settings) for performance.This will help when it comes time to create a network share. Make sure you set a password on your user account. This makes it easier to CMD-tab between your VM and your text editor, e.g. Turn off ‘Autocapture Keystokes’ (VirtualBox Preferences → Input).Finally, for performance, increase memory to at least 50% of total memory, assuming 8 GB of total machine memory.) Also, to prevent freeze-ups, reduce max CPU consumption to 80%. The following are some steps you can take to reproduce a similar setup on your Mac.įirstly, let’s set up a VM to run your solution: NET stack in VirtualBox, while using my MacOS for development using my favourite Mac text editor and Terminal. I managed to get around this on a recent project by hosting my. projects requiring libraries that can’t easily be ported, such as the SyncFusion Excel libraries, which utilise Microsoft Office InterOp).

visual studio for mac web development

Many projects can only be built on a Windows operating system. Unfortunately this does not, at present and in all cases, enable us to properly develop. Hats off to Microsoft for releasing the new Visual Studio for Mac.

Visual studio for mac web development